Posts Available through MPSC Examination

MPSC Examination  Posts

Posts in MPSC Examination  are divided into three categories as follows -
  1. Class 1
  2. Class 2
  3. Class 3
For each post and class you need to have clear MPSC Examination in that field , So list of all posts and their exam list is given below .
  • State Services Preliminary Examination
  • Maharashtra Engineering Services Examination
  • Police Sub Inspector Main Examination- Marathi & English- Paper-I
  • Police Sub Inspector Main Examination. G.K. & I.T- Paper-II
  • Police Sub Inspector Preliminary Examination
  • Assistant Sales Tax Inspector Preliminary Examination
  • Assistant Sales Tax Inspector Main Exam 
Some other Posts and Exam in  MPSC Examination  are given below :
  • Civil Judge  Judicial Magistrate  Prelim Exam
  • Assistant Engineer , Gr-II, Maharashtra Engg.Services Prelim Exam
  • Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Preliminary Examination
  • State Services Preliminary Examination
  • Judicial Magistrate , Civil Judge  Prelim Exam

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3 Respones to "Posts Available through MPSC Examination"

Unknown said...
14 August 2016 at 02:47

I can’t imagine focusing long enough to research; much less write this kind of article. You’ve outdone yourself with this material. This is great content.
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Avantika joy said...
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Kaashvi mohan said...
17 April 2018 at 01:53

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